We’re Coming Back in the Biggest International Manufacturing Indonesia Exhibition 2023

Mitsubishi Electric Indonesia Factory Automation is coming back at the International Manufacturing Indonesia Exhibition 2023 event. Proudly present “Digitalization for Smart Manufacturing” for this year's concept as a solution in production in the Manufacturing industry. To answer all your factory needs, we present solutions such as e-F@ctory for FA-IT Integrated Solution, Easy IoT (Internet of Things) Application to Realize Smart Manufacturing, Traceability Monitoring, Real-Time Data Visualization, Total Maintenance solutions, and many more solutions that will be shown.
Therefore, come and join us at our booth with the following details:
Date : 6th – 9th December 2023
Operational Hours : 6th – 8th December 2023 (10.00 am – 06.00 pm) and 9th December 2023 (10.00 am – 05.00 pm)
Location : No. Booth B-4302, HALL B1, Jakarta International Expo Kemayoran.
Therefore, don't miss this opportunity, and immediately register yourself via the following link https://manufacturingindonesia.id/prereg/ or Scan the QR Code above to interact and discuss with our Expertise Engineering Members!
For further information, call +6221 2961 7797 (Factory Automation Center – Cikarang Office) or send an email to MEIN-FA@asia.meap.com)